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A River Runs Through It
Oak, approx. 22" in diameter. Turned, carved and inlay with turquoise In Private Collection. Not for sale.

Mesquite Bronze
Cast from a cross section of the crotch of a mesquite tree. The surface was sanded, sandblasted and hand carved to enhance the rings of the tree. Approx.18"x12" $3000

Spalted Maple Vessel
Hand carved. Approx. 18"x 14"x 8" $5000

Spalted Maple Hollow Form
Approx. 9" x 12" $2500

Carved Pecan Form
In Private Collection.

Medium Spalted Maple Vase
12" x 8" Price on request

Heavily Textured Hollow Form
14" x 6" Price on request

Red Gum Floraform
13" x 10" Price on request

Carved Bowl #2
In Private Collection
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